activism for aussies: after voting yes

Quokkas, as this dreadful survey and campaign continues, and the equality campaign misteps (that text!), we have compiled a list of other things you can be doing other than voting, if you were even able to, and social mediaing, about which Steph has complicated feelings.

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book club: these constellations will be yours

Okay new series here at No Award: Once a month (or so) we’re going to review short stories written by non-white SFF authors. Short stories because they’re easier to fit into our schedules, and also we’ll make sure they’re accessible online so you can read them.

This month, These Constellations Will Be Yours, by Elaine Cuyegkeng. Strange Horizons, 7 August. 5000 words of a space opera fairy tale about Filipino oracles and the galleon trade.

Disclaimer: Stephanie totally adores Elaine and got pushy about this being our first review. (Liz also adores Elaine and didn’t have to be pushed very hard.)

Continue reading “book club: these constellations will be yours”

We have opinions about bollart

Recently here in Melbourne we got a whole bunch of ‘anti-terrorism bollards’, aka large cement cubes that don’t really stop cars from driving through the Bourke Street Mall, since the tram tracks are right there.

Melburnians have obviously started decorating the shit out of these things, and of course we have feelings.

Continue reading “We have opinions about bollart”

Continuum: SFFH with Asian characteristics

This is not a panel write up; it’s more of a rambling meander of panels I was on and panels I witnessed and thoughts I had along the way. It includes recommendations. But all of it is talking about Asian (mostly Southeast Asian) science fiction, fantasy and horror.

Thanks to Creatrix Tiara (sorry, Adeline coined this term!), I’m referring to Oz-based PoC involved in SFFH as Fae of Colour and I have no regrets. Hopefully you also have no regrets.

Continue reading “Continuum: SFFH with Asian characteristics”

Continuum: First Aid for paper cuts

I was supposed to start with something nicer, rounding up my Continuum 13, but all I can really think about is the racial micro aggressions PoC experience at Australian conventions, particularly the micro aggressions experienced by our PoC Guests of Honour, and the ways in which con goers can prepare to have our backs (our own, and the backs of others).

And so, beneath the fold: some racial micro aggressions, and some ways to prepare to call them out.

Micro aggressions and the other things we say; or, First Aid for paper cuts

Continue reading “Continuum: First Aid for paper cuts”