will we ever see your faces again? (yes)

There’s something to be said for endings. The running of the end credits, the closing of the book, the last spoonful of vegan gelato.

So it is with No Award.

We’ve had to make a choice between continuing this blog, versus prioritising other things — from real life to family to, yes, other blogging projects. And we’ve decided to close up shop.

We’re not going away! Stephanie will shout very professionally and reasonably about sustainability and science fiction, and occasionally go on rants about people who are wrong, at stephanielai.net (which she needs to make prettier, a summer project). Thus far it’s only  been functioning as a kind of CV, but that will change basically immediately.

And Liz’s Star Trek feelpinions will be posted to squiddishly.net, along with important content like her Top 5 Worst Birbs, and maybe some more live-blogging of terrible tie-in novels.

And you’ll see us in the usual places — hanging out in the bar at Continuum, lurking in various museum and art gallery shops, and anywhere excellent opinions are found.

You should, if you do not already, definitely follow us both on Twitter: Stephanie is @yiduiqie and Liz is @_lizbarr.