the value of the lady dollar

If you’re going to release shoes celebrating an iconic female character, you’re probably not even going to stop and wonder if they’ll be available to women. Because that’s a no-brainer, right? Obviously they’ll be marketed to everyone.

Reebok celebrates Ellen Ripley by selling her shoes in men’s sizes only

Continue reading “the value of the lady dollar”

Tomorrow, When the War Began

Tomorrow, When the War Began is a YA novel (which became a series, which spawned a sequel trilogy) about a group of teens who are off camping in the bush when Australia gets invaded over a long weekend/show weekend, and what they have to do when they find themselves suddenly living in a warzone.

In 2010 it was adapted as a movie; it has just begun showing on ABC3 as a six part series, presumably just adapting the first book.

We’re gonna review ALL SIX EPISODES, with weekly updates. Starting here, where we discuss our complicated history with the world constructed in Tomorrow, racism, and the importance of fire safety.

Continue reading “Tomorrow, When the War Began”

life is a linkspam

Subway etiquette around the world – in pictures — highlights from an exhibition at the New York Transit Museum, one of Liz’s all-time favourite museums. It’s funny, men keep insisting that manspreading is not a thing, yet here are signs criticising it dating back decades!

Sesame Street’s new Muppet takes on the Taliban (and the trolls)

One guy asked if Zari would wear a suicide vest. Another said “Any ‘christian’ characters? If not, i am offended”. A user called MSM Is Corrupt said: “OMFG – no way in hell I will let my child watch this shit. Get all liberals out of TV they are poisonous to children.”

(Trolls Are Mad About Diversity In Children’s Media And It’s Hilarious is totally our new brand.)

Steph must read this book as soon as possible: An architect turned evil & became the greatest bank robber in history #lifespiration

The great escape: Inky the octopus legs it to freedom from New Zealand aquarium

Because octopuses have no bones they are able to fit into extremely small spaces, and have been filmed squeezing through gaps the size of coins. They are also understood to be extremely intelligent and capable of using tools.

High quality legal shenanigans: Council of the Law Society of NSW v Griffin [2016] NSWCATOD 40

Or, things you should never, ever say to a judge:

…you are not an expert in the English language and not qualified to make such a comment or give such an opinion while I have an Honours degree with distinction including honours cognates in English. I consider that this comment is clearly vindictive and naive and contrary to current theory regarding what non-erroneous expression is or what ‘correct’ expression should be. Neither you nor your Associate are qualified to make this comment and it displays infant school and pedantic understanding of what language actually is. I also consider that this comment evinces a purile and petty intention to belittle a person which is an attitude that has no place in the administration of justice.

Indigenous SF series Cleverman will debut here and in the US on 2 June! Here’s the trailer:

A jolly good apocalypse

Today’s post is brought to you by my subconscious!

Let me tell you, Enid Blyton and Mad Max: Fury Road make for an odd combination. But how would the Malory Towers girls fare in an apocalypse?

Continue reading “A jolly good apocalypse”