[book review] Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life

There’s a popular myth that octopi are literally aliens. The truth is actually more interesting: they are tremendously intelligent — comparable to a human toddler or a very smart dog — but their “mind” is spread throughout their body, with neurons in their eight arms.

Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life by Peter Godfrey-Smith looks at the evolution of cephalopods, their capacity for intelligence, the future of the species, and the big philosophical question: what is it like to be a cephalopod?

But even though this book was totes #onbrand and highly relevant to my interests, I found myself … skimming.

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It’s always #cephalopodweek somewhere

According to the internet, #cephalopodweek takes place either in June, or right now. Or maybe it’s both! Can we properly appreciate cephalopods in just a single week? DEFINITELY NOT.

I have a lot of feelings about cephalopods, to the point where I can no longer eat delicious calamari. So it is my great honour and privilege to share with the world my Top 5 Best Cephalopods Ever.

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