Down Under Feminists’ Carnival hashtag 90

dufcHello and welcome to edition 90 of the Down Under Feminists’ Carnival! In grand tradition, here we are in November and No Award is hosting once again.

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted links. In Steph’s obsessive need to tidy her inbox immediately, we’re not sure who those excellent people were, but thank you heaps and heaps.

Edition 91 will be hosted by MJ at Project Sprog. Submit at projectsprogblog [at] gmail [dot] com

Abortion, Our Bodies, and Our Shithouse Government

At Hoyden About Town: Quick link: decriminalise abortion in NSW.

No Place for Sheep: Save the babies down under. #shoutyourabortion and Bodies that matter. Bodies that don’t.

Why ‘cashless welfare’ will hit women the hardest.

Treatment of Abyan exposes hypocrisy of anti-violence initiatives

Parenthood and Families

Celeste Liddle: The grandmothers who are stopping the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their homes.

Sikamikaniko: On being a non-custodial mum

At Mama Said: Love and nappies and Do I have antenatal depression? and Let kids be kids?

Awesome women and the impacts they’ve had on us

The women rebels, geniuses and pioneers who inspired us at Women’s Agenda.

Rebecca Shaw at SBS: Comment: Alanis was the perfect ‘Pill’ for young women – and still is.

Friday Hoyden: Princess Sophia Duleep Singh.

Queer Business

Rebecca Shaw at Kill Your Darlings: Playing It Straight: On queer actors, queer characters, and ‘bravery’ and Rainbow Smoke and Glittering Mirrors: How not to tackle homophobia; and at SBS: We’re here. We’re queer. There’s nothing to fear – but the Gay Agenda.

Fears For Transgender “Sistergirls” Locked Up In NT Prisons.

On coming out and labels at Samavesa: This or that? Not for me, thanks.

At feeling pretty good: Air New Zealand and Transphobic Behaviour.

Gender and Sexism (includes sexual assault)

How to start talking about gender diversity with kids of all ages

At the Conversation: Change is possible when sexual harassment is exposed

On the ABC: Inside the Matildas’ Strike

At The Drum: Pass all the laws you like, but domestic violence victims need shelters. No Award community service announcement: DO NOT READ THE COMMENTS.

Geoff Hunt’s wife was not the “witch” who drove him to murder, and the public masculinity that makes it all about what a good guy he was, rather than a gross murderer.

Explainer: what is genderqueer? at The Conversation.

Also at The Conversation: The myth that women secretly hate other women has a long history.

At no place for sheep: Turnbull’s actions should carry a trigger warning for all women who have survived sexual violence and Turnbull and Dutton wage war on women and Turnbull: women must be respected but only if they are of our tribe.

Black Feminist Ranter: Reflections on violence

Remorse and Redemption (about gender expectations) at Mama Says.

Rantings of an Aboriginal Feminist: Keynote speech from “Putting Gender on the Agenda” – Alice Springs, 27/10/15


No Award favourite Ambelin Kwaymullina: On diversity, intersectionality and the future.

Steph here at No Award wrote Racism and Sportsball: on the excellent Adam Goodes; and Liz and Steph rant about terrible xenophobic refugee and immigration business (about both policies and the Western-centricity of activism).

At a Dingo Named Gerald (AMAZING NAME): Racism, Sexism and the hand of Silence.

A guest post at Mama Said: Long-haul with a toddler: It’s a privilege.

Celeste Liddle at IndigenousX: I’m Not A ‘Proud Australian’

Body Stuff

Friend of Marilyn: On Fat Studies In Tertiary Education and On Promoting Obesity.

Stuff about Books

Steph reviews the 2015 Seizure Novella Prize Winners (all Australian women!)

Ju at Transcendancing on problematic books: Review: Kricket Series by Amy A. Bartol, books 1-3

Liz and Steph: Australian YA and kidlit more deserving of screen adaptations than Tomorrow, When The War Began.

Ana Stephenson: Book Review: Clare Wright. The Forgotten Rebels of Eureka. HELLO.  (I’m not saying this is relevant to No Award’s interests, but uh)

(Liz: Stephanie, did you miss the bit where I read this last year and bombarded you and the No Award Staff Writers with snippets I was loving?)

AV Mather: Review: Thief of Lives by Lucy Sussex.

Other Stuff

Here at No Award, we want you to look after yourself in Australia’s mediteranean and warmer seasons: things you should do now that summer has landed heavily upon the nation.

On guilt and adulting and money at Adulting: My relationship with money: a work in progress.

The Long Shadows of Montague Summers and Margaret Murray at Enchanted History. (Witchcraft!)

This “Proudly Feminist” Restaurant Is Run Entirely By Asylum Seeker Women

Blue Bec: I believe in limitations on free speech.

On Imposter Syndrome: Imposter Syndrome – how Jane Austen tamed the Tiger.

Famous quotes, the way a woman would have to say them during a meeting.

The suffragettes were rebels, certainly, but not slaves, by Ana Stephenson at The Conversation.

I don’t like this so ban it for me at no place for sheep.  [Note: we’ve had feedback from people who found this post transphobic, so proceed with caution and self-care.]

At the Scarlett Woman: Last Minute Halloween Costumes That Aren’t The “Sexy”, Store Bought Norm.

Calls for papers and articles

Fat Studies Conference 2016


8 thoughts on “Down Under Feminists’ Carnival hashtag 90

  1. Pingback: Ninetieth Edition @ No Award | Down Under Feminists' Carnival

  2. Pingback: Go see the 90th edition of the Down Under Feminists Carnival! | Zero at the Bone

  3. Pingback: The 90th Down Under Feminists Carnival is up! | Hoyden About Town

  4. Hi, I am wondering if it would be more appropriate to remove posts of a transphobic nature from the carnival rather than tacitly condoning them. To tell people to ‘approach with caution’ puts the onus on the person who belongs to the maligned minority to change their behaviour. It does not send the message that Aus & NZ feminism is opposed to transphobia. I was, maybe naively, hoping that it was. If a post had racist content would you promote it anyway, with a trigger warning?

    Apologies if this is a downer comment on what is generally a great carnival. I know it takes work to put together – I’ve hosted before. But we must have these conversations. I think maybe our antipodean feminism is lagging behind on trans issues.

    1. [This is posted by Liz, but we collaborated on the comment.]

      This is something we debated among ourselves, and we didn’t really reach a policy, or even a proper conclusion in this specific instance, since we were both at work at the time we were made aware of the content. We debated pulling it versus inserting a warning, and came down in favour of Warn For Now, Reassess At A Better Time. Also, we are both cis, so we’re obviously subject to the limitations of that worldview.

      In this instance, our understanding of the post is that, while it discusses transphobia in general, along with debates around transphobic arguments and the best way to deal with people who make them, it does not itself contain transphobia. But that is our understanding, based on the limitations I outlined above. It might be hairsplitting; certainly we were concerned that the post has a strong aura of “I can’t be transphobic because I have links”.

      We don’t see a warning as the end of the conversation, and have amended that accordingly.

      This has been heavily informed by my personal need for warnings, but I do want the onus placed on me. And that’s sort of what we’ve got from the post.

      We’ve changed the warning above to indicate more clearly that No Award disagrees with Greer, but protesting Greer and counter protesting protesting Greer are part of how we expand feminist discourse. We definitely don’t endorse them by linking to them, and we’re sorry we didn’t make that clear.

      As for the naivety of antipodean feminism – in some ways that is definitely a problem. But we also constantly want conversations about the ways in which our feminism and needs are different from those of other countries.

      ETA: Also, thank you for commenting, and for raising this point, which is a good one.

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